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Golden Victory

Sale price₹ 99,000

Golden Victory by Amara De Tori is a stunning tribute to the ancient sculpture ofthe Greek goddess Nike. Nike is depicted in the artwork carrying a wreath or apalm branch, embodying the idea of victory and triumph that she symbolizes forand in classical art.In “Golden Victory,” Nike is portrayed against a flat background of gold leaf,emphasizing her divine nature and radiance. The use of gold leaf creates aluxurious and opulent atmosphere, underscoring the idea of victory as aprecious and cherished accomplishment.The artwork has a sense of movement and dynamism owing to Amara’s attentionto detail in the intricate wings and outfit of Nike, which enhances the overallsensation of triumph and accomplishment. Nike can be observed in the painting to be standing tall and proud, emphasizingthe enduring, assured, and everlasting essence of victory. A powerful andinspiring work of art, “Golden Victory” commemorates the goddess Nike and thespirit of victory in a way that is both timeless and inspirational.


All Artworks, Amara De Tori, Paintings